And no intention of finding out.
[Extended version of this text.]
2 weeks ago
Now dedicated to nice paintings and the worst possible poetry.
"That must must have taken lots of skill to make. I can't see a single brush stroke!"Modern painters are very disappointing in that, since many of them leave brush strokes everywhere: The first thing they learn at art school is that smooth gradations require merely a good brush and lots of patience - or a camera. It is the equivalent of teaching oneself to write in a perfect printer's font to hide all signs of personality in one's handwriting. Um, why become an artist if you want to keep your personality hidden? Try bookkeeping. Just saying the magic words "I am an accountant" will make people stop prying instantly. (My sympathies to all poor souls trapped in the actuarial trade. I'm sure that making a stable income that is five times higher than the average, haphazard earnings of an artist feels like just compensation for the fact that we get all the best girls. And I don't know why this doesn't work for female artists. Men are idiots, sorry.)